Weekly Services – 8.30am and 10.00am Communion on Sundays and 10.30am Communion, Wednesdays.
Every Sunday
Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer [BCP] or Common Worship Traditional [CW])
1st, 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Sunday
Parish Communion (Common Worship service, with Sunday Club for Children)
1st Sunday
12 noon
(an informal service of Baptism for up to three families)
Noisy Church
(an informal service for families with pre-school age children – Look at our What’s On section for more information)
2nd Sunday
All-age Worship with Communion
(an informal family-friendly service)
Sung Evensong
(Sung Evensong follows Book of Common Prayer)
4th Sunday
(Alternate months starting in January)
Alternative Services
(e.g. Fellowship Services that are lay led informal services often to a set theme and non-liturgical)
Weekday Services
Start the Week with Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion (Refreshments in church after the service)
Morning Prayer
12.00 midday
Prayers for the Parish
Confirmation marks the point in the Christian journey at which you affirm for yourself the faith into which you have been baptized and your intention to live a life of committed discipleship. This affirmation is confirmed through prayer and the laying on of hands by the confirming bishop. The Church also asks God to give you power through the Holy Spirit to enable you to live in the way of Jesus.
If you are interested in being confirmed please contact the Parish Office 0151 608 4429 to find out more.
We are delighted to hold a special service of Baptism on the 1st Sunday of every month, commencing at 12 noon. We typically have 3 families coming together in each service, who are visited individually by members of the Baptism Team and join together for a Vicar’s Preparation session in church, usually on a Tuesday evening commencing at 7:30 pm.
To help address any specific questions or enquiries you might have, please download our special brochure below.
We want to make sure that your wedding day is truly one to remember, filled with the joy that the occasion merits. We arrange to meet with the couple to discuss their plans and arrangements and to take them through a few marriage preparation sessions before finally conducting a rehearsal before the big day.
We have produced a brochure which will hopefully answer some of your questions in advance of you making an initial enquiry.
Coping with bereavement is understandably difficult. We want to support you in and through this difficult time and we do this in a number of ways which are detailed fully in our funeral brochure which can be downloaded here.
If you would like to arrange a Christian funeral service, the first step is usually to establish contact with your selected Funeral Director. They will then begin to make necessary arrangements on your behalf, including booking a service at church and / or the crematorium. They can advise you on every aspect of the practicalities of the funeral.
They will also get in touch with the Funeral Ministry team at Christ Church on your behalf. We will be provided with information about the deceased, details of the next of kin, and when and where the funeral service is due to take place.
The next step would typically involve you being contacted by the minister appointed to conduct the service. They will arrange to visit you at home, or speak to you by telephone if you live some distance away. They will support you by providing a listening and compassionate ear, and will explain the service giving you plenty of opportunities to ask questions.
About a month after the funeral service a member of our ‘Befrienders’ team will get in touch to see how you are and will be glad to stay in touch if you would like that.
Vera Jackson leads the Befrienders team and organises a lunch for bereaved people every first Thursday of the month at 12.30pm. This is an informal get-together which people have found helpful. Some come just once or twice ; others have found it a lifeline for longer. Contact Parish Office to find out more.