What’s On
Regular events and groups that you’re welcome to join
4C’s (Carers Meeting) 3rd Tuesday 12.00 -2.00pm
Information, support and advice for anybody looking after someone at home.
Contact: Parish Office 608 4429
Oasis Wellbeing Support Group – an informal group, which meets on the second Wednesday of every month, at 1.30pm, in the community centre at Christ Church. The group is led by trained Psychotherapist, Steve Flatt, and intends to support members, in confidence, with mental health issues. NB There will not be a meeting in August.
Contact: Parish Office 608 4429
Befrienders Lunch – 1st Thursday 12.30 – 2.00pm
An informal get-together for anyone recently bereaved
Contact: Parish Office 608 4429
Listening Service – By appointment
Do you have something on your mind you would like to talk through. We can offer hospitality and healing in a friendly confidential space at Christ Church Community Centre.
Contact: Parish Office 608 4429 (to book an appointment)
Boulders (age 11 – 18) – 10.00 – 11.15am (1st Sunday)
A chance to come out from the morning service into the Centre for activities and discussion about faith. The group also meets up socially during the month.
Sunday Club (age 5 – 11) – 10.00 – 11.15am (Every Sunday, except 2nd Sunday)
For children we provide a very popular and well attended Sunday Club which takes place during our main service. We teach the children something about the Christian faith at their level, while having fun at the same time.This is suitable for children aged 5 and upwards. On the second Sunday of the month the children stay in church for All Age Worship.
Mums and Tots – Monday morning 9.30 – 11.15am
Catering for children from 12 months to preschool age, offering them access to table top activities, larger toys, simple crafts and a chance to share time at songs and rhymes.
Bumps and Babies – Wednesday morning 9.30am – 11.30pm
Catering for babies from birth to 1 year old and their carers, but also welcome pregnant mothers. The group provides a friendly and safe environment for babies to play with age appropriate toys and offers the parents the opportunity to form friendships.
Lego Church – Every second Wednesday of the month 3.30pm – 5.00pm . Suitable for ages 4-10 years. Building fun and snacks and drinks.
Please contact: Parish Office 608 4429 for more information on any of the above activities
If you’re interested in attending any of the above groups and events and would like further information then please contact the Parish Office on 0151 608 4429.